Tuesday, 8:30 P.M. - Bedtime goes surprisingly well. The screaming lasts only minutes, before a bedside book calms her down and she goes down without a fuss. She insists that I leave the bedroom light on, and I comply. It's a small price to pay.
Wednesday, 5:50 A.M. - The sound of Mandi leaving for work wakes Lily. She's up and at 'em.
1:30 P.M. - Lily passes out on the futon in the playroom. She sleeps for about an hour.
8:30 P.M. - Bedtime, again without incident.
Thursday, 1:30 A.M. - Mandi hears Lily's bedroom door open and sends me to interfere. I arrive to find the child in a ball on the floor, still mostly asleep, but completely in the hallway. I return her to the bed, again with the light on, but without further incident.
5:20 A.M. - Wide awake, this time before I'm finished making our breakfast. She joins us and has some waffles.
9:00 A.M. - Lily falls asleep in the car on the way to the gym. Her nap lasts less than 10 minutes.
12:15 P.M. - On the way home from running errands, she falls asleep in the car. The grocery store, where we had been, is less than a mile from the house. Bringing her in to the house wakes her up and she does not nap again.
6:45 P.M. - After her bath, wrapped neatly in her pink bathrobe, Lily falls fast asleep. She would sleep through being carried up to her bed.
Friday, Midnight. - Me talking in my sleep wakes Mandi, and as she rolls over she sees Lily's door open. She asks me to go find her, and I do, again asleep on the floor in the hallway. I put her back in bed without further incident.
4:50 A.M. - Lily is awake, comes downstairs and turns on the TV while Mandi gets ready for work. I'm still asleep.
5:25 A.M. - I'm working on breakfast, Mandi's back upstairs finishing getting ready. Lily is asleep on the futon.
5:45 A.M. - As Mandi gets ready to leave, Lily wakes up, apparently hungry. She has some waffles and we walk Avery to school (not at 5:45).
9:00 A.M. - As we leave for the gym, Lily yawns and says, "Daddy, I sure am a sleepy Beanie!"
11:45 A.M. - After the gym, a stop at the library, and some playing at the park, we load up in the car to head home for lunch.
11:47 A.M. - A few bites of trail mix and Lily's asleep in the carseat.
12:10 P.M. - Carrying her inside wakes her up, and she is demonstrably cranky.
12:12 P.M. - Lily goes into a full blown crying tantrum because Daddy doesn't want to "come upstairs and see my magical room." What was I thinking.
12:14 P.M. - Crying subsides, and then dies.
12:15 P.M. - I investigate the silence, only to find Lily asleep on the second stair.
12:25 P.M. - Lily tumbles harmlessly down the steps and wakes up. I arrive to find her on her knees, just looking at me silently.
12:27 P.M. - Daddy carries her to the futon and covers her up with her fuzzy blanket, where she falls asleep again within the minute.
12:35 P.M. - Hunger apparently overwhelms exhaustion at this point, when Lily wakes once again and makes her way to the table to get her lunch.
Our story concludes at this point, but I leave you with the following song, which ironically came on in the shuffle sequence right as I'd sat down to type this story. Just press play.