Why, you ask?
Simple, really. Retention is directly proportional to sleep.
You'll recall my first post after bringing Mason home, where I claimed that he was showing promise as a much better sleeper than Lily ever was. Put simply, that was more than just a mild case of counting my chickens before they hatch. Rather, it was full-blown premature elation.
I know, I know, the bad puns are getting old. Refer back, if you will, to two paragraphs ago. As it turns out, a mature sense of humor is also directly proportional to sleep. Sorry . . you'll either deal with it or you'll navigate away to the next stop on your blog roll. This is the best I've got under the circumstances.
In place of any funny stories I've decided to offer you photos of the family. Everybody loves a good picture, eh?
Mason's getting really big. At his 2-week appointment he'd gained 13 ounces and a half inch in length. I think his cheeks look chubbier too. He's actually laying on the floor in this picture, playing with his big sisters. They look forward to their few minutes a day of play-with-the-baby time.
Mason's not so excited about sleeping in his bassinet most times. He seems to prefer the more upright position afforded to him by the swing and the carseat.